Hearing loss in our community is pretty common, especially noise-induced hearing loss among refinery workers and hunters – many of the people who see us and are exposed long term to loud noise are in their thirties.

We see a number of older people with a hearing loss too. The Mayo Clinic says that hearing loss caused by aging affects one third of people between the ages of 65 and 75, and that number continues to rise to half in the over-75 category.

Hearing loss can be caused by a variety of factors and can happen to anyone at any age.

These include:

  • Aging
  • Loud events
  • Long-term noise exposure
  • Certain illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure
  • Hereditary factors
  • Certain medications

Why Do So Many People Have An Undiagnosed Hearing Loss?

For too many years, hearing loss and the use of hearing aids has had a negative stigma, and it makes people who suspect hearing loss reluctant to get tested and treated.

Maybe this is about vanity or maybe it is just about coming to grips with aging, but whatever the cause is, people need to be reminded of how precious the gift of hearing is to all of us.

Imagine not being able to hear your grandchildren or slowly isolating yourself because you always feel left out of the conversation.

With any other impairment, society is quick to accept treatment. Glasses and corrective lenses are widely embraced because seeing is an important sense.

The same importance should be established on our sense of hearing.

The Most Common Signs of Hearing Loss

The most common signs of hearing loss are:

  • Frequently asking for repetition
  • Feeling as though you can hear but not understand what people are saying
  • Hearing muffled speech instead of clear words, especially when the voice has a higher pitch
  • Increasing the volume of the TV or radio louder than other people in the room would like it
  • A ringing or buzzing in your ears
  • Difficulty hearing exactly what people are saying when there’s background noise

The Most Common Signs of Hearing Loss In A Loved One

When you suspect your loved one is developing a hearing loss, you might feel as though they are not listening because they respond incorrectly or don’t respond at all when you speak with them.

You might also notice them feeling embarrassed and withdrawing from conversations because they can’t seem to follow it, and the effort tires them out.

They might deny any hearing problems and blame you for talking too quietly or mumbling, even though you are not, and instead of talking in a normal volume, they are shouting.

They might complain of headaches or tinnitus as well.

What You Can Do If You Are Concerned About Hearing Loss

If you are concerned about your or a loved one’s hearing, schedule an appointment at Big Thicket Hearing Aids and Audiology for a hearing evaluation.

The sooner this evaluation is done, the better. We follow a tailored approach to suit each individual need so you can be on your way to better hearing in no time.

Schedule your hearing test today.

Why Are Regular Tests So Important?

We recommend regular hearing testing so we can follow your hearing journey properly and help you address any issue at any time.

This prevents future damage and ensures you can hear as well as possible each year.

Here in Hardin County, we see a higher incidence of hearing loss in young adults because of the ongoing loud noise exposure in the logging and oil industries and from hunting gunfire, so we see an even greater need for regular hearing checks.

We’re passionate about hearing care, and we focus on necessity, affordability, and quality to optimize your hearing health.

Come see us, or call or email with questions, so we can ensure your optimal hearing health.